Thursday, February 3, 2011

Here are some pictures and video of the boat I have been working on in my spare time. Right side up ones will follow soon.

It was just primed yeasterday and in these photos i just finnished gluing up the skeg keel.

Where have I been

OK so. Its has been a long while since a good ol blog update. A lot has gone down. There is too much, so, I will sum up!

Launched the boat in May of 2010 great succes.

Moved to Maine to attend landing school and built a lovely Acorn skiff designed by Iain Oughtred see pics

And, while I have been toiling away up here I got started on a new personal project I am calling the BIG dIRTY! It is based on a design idea that Pete Culler discussed in an old magazine article about how to build a quick and dirty powerboat. I ran with the idea and made my own design around a sweet old lawn mower engine that I already had. So check the pics and vids, and I will try to make it less than 14 months between now and my next post.