Saturday, April 11, 2009


Here are some older pics from before the blog began.  I have been working on this since January of 2008 so there is kinda a lot but I will pack it in there. 
Here we have a decent side shot of the building jig.

Here is the stem, it was a lot of fun to make with hand tools.  A good learning experience. 
Here is a pair of bitchin' saw horses that i made out of a busted ass shelf that i found in the garage. 

Sexy look at the Chine as it sweeps gracefully around the moulds. 
This is my clamping fixture made of garden stones.  Laminating the transom.


  1. Well that first picture just answered a question I sent to Tom, heh heh heh... Thanks for putting up this blog!

  2. Looks like a great paint job!! did you roll or spray?

